Thursday, November 18, 2010


Eat right:
Eating a good balanced diet every day is very important to avoiding stress of body, soul and mind. Foods rich in vitamins like eggs, meat, legumes and vegetables rich in iron and other trace mineral elements like zinc, manganese etc. are all essential body building elements necessary for good physical, mental and emotional stability necessary for stress reduction. Where the raw food materials cannot be easily obtained for whatever reason then food supplements in form of tablets or caplets may be taken with the available food. But it is better if the raw food materials can be cooked and taken, instead of synthetic food supplements.
Get organized, so everything has its place:
Organizing yourself in terms of physical, mental and emotional components is very important to reducing stress. Dotting your ‘I’s and crossing your ‘T’s and putting square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes is very important. Also, try to do the right things at the right time, in the right way and in the right place. This brings peace of mind and a relaxed composure at all times.

Every day, find time to be alone:
This gives you opportunity to look at things in retrospect and possibly make corrections and adjustments. Also you get to appreciate the Almighty creator of the universe, life and living.

Make friends with happy, non-stressed people:
Like attracts like. When you associate with such people you learn from them and their non-stressed nature rubs on you easily.
Laughter is a good antidote for stress and engaging in activities that engineer laughter will bring relaxation and fun. So try and watch comedies and play games that make you laugh a lot. You will discover that your stress level falls significantly when you engage in these laughter-fun activities.
Laugh some more:
You cannot have too much of it and even if you do, it will be for the best.
Take your work seriously, but yourself not at all:
Learn to prioritize your work activities and leave your ‘work’ at the work place. Do not indulge in the habit of carrying work files home. Spend ‘quality time’ with your family every day except maybe when you are out of town. Make sure you engage your family members in fun activities that bring everyone joy and laughter. RELAX and be yourself.

Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is often a good night’s sleep:
The benefits of good sleeping habits cannot be over emphasized. Make sure you apportion adequate time for sleep. If possible try and go to bed early on days when your work duties seem to have stressed you more than usual. If you are having regular sleep problems, you may need to see your physician for help.

Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most):
This is one of the attributes of good neighborliness and when practiced gives you peace of mind and relaxation most times.

K.Y.M.S. (Keep Your Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble:
This is very good advice and most times SILENCE is golden. If you must speak be careful about what you utter. Always choose your words carefully. In essence, be a good listener and less of a talkative. Heeding this advice will greatly reduce your tension, hence your stress.
Author: Ola Suyee    

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